Welcome to Wild Mind Therapy

I'm Nikki Bailey a BACP registered counsellor offering short and long-term therapy to adults online and in-person in Barnstaple, North Devon

About Me

I worked in the sustainability field for ​nearly two decades until a difficult ​pregnancy halted me and caused me to ​reconsider my direction in life. I started ​in personal therapy to address internal ​struggles and early wounds that were ​holding me back. From that point ​onwards, my life began to change in ​profound ways that eventually led me to ​become a counsellor and help others ​make their own changes.

For almost a decade my work has been focussed in fields related to mental health and social projects. For example, as well as my ​current psychotherapeutic practise, I ​have worked with women experiencing ​challenging pregnancies, older men ​facing dementia, as well as people with ​learning disabilities through the ​charity sector.

I have an academic background in ​Environmental Studies and a long ​history of meditation practise, including ​Mindfulness Now teacher training.

Nikki, Counsellor In Barnstaple, North Devon
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My primary training was with Re-Vision in London, a respected ​training organisation for therapists. I hold a diploma accredited by ​the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) ​and the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).

During this training, I ​worked as a volunteer counsellor at the Psychosynthesis Trust in ​London and for several years at Clarity Counselling Services in ​Barnstaple. I am currently undertaking additional training in Sensorimotor ​Psychotherapy, a body-based therapy for addressing trauma and ​attachment difficulties arising from childhood.

What to expect

Introductory session

An introductory session gives us the opportunity to explore what bri​ngs you to therapy, what you would like to gain from the experience​, and consider whether we are a good fit to work together​.

Length and frequency

Counselling and therapy usually involves meeting regularly at the ​same time each week, with sessions lasting 60 minutes, although ​longer sessions of up to 90 minutes may be possible. Some people ​choose a short-term contract of around 6-12 sessions, and others a ​more open-ended time scale. At our initial meeting we would ​discuss what arrangements suit you best.


All sessions are confidential. All records are kept in accordance with ​the General Data Protection Regulation. Wherever possible I will ​discuss any issue of confidentiality with the client first. I discuss my ​practice and process in supervision, during which the client’s ​identify is protected

Working online

I usually work online via Zoom, a secure online platform. Please try t​o ensure that you are in a confidential space, without interruptions o​r distractions and where you will not be overheard.​


Counselling is a process with a beginning, middle and end. I suggest ​a minimum of one to two weeks’ notice for ending therapy, although ​more notice will allow more time to explore the dynamics that ​endings bring up for different people. If you decide to end our ​sessions before the agreed time, I will usually suggest we explore ​this decision before we conclude our work together. Endings are ​important for several reasons including giving the client the ​opportunity to reflect on and more deeply integrate changes ​they’ve made in their lives.

Counselling In Barnstaple, North Devon

My Approach


As an Integrative Transpersonal Therapist, ​I may draw on various psychotherapeutic ​disciplines, including psychodynamic, ​related neuroscience, somatic psychology, ​relational and archetypal psychology. For ​example, drawing on a psychodynamic ​approach may help us to explore your ​subconscious - what is just below the ​surface of your awareness - to bring it into ​your conscious mind so that you can ​develop a deeper understanding of ​yourself and why you react or behaviour ​in w​a​ys you do.

An integrated approach means​ I can take into account you as an individu​al and your circumstances, and use ​elements of different approaches to help ​you explore and cope with your problem​s. For more information on integrative coun​selling and other types of therapy read ​here on the BAC​P’s pages.

Trauma informed

My approach often integrates body and movement with talk ​therapy. Because trauma and attachment problems directly impact ​the body, including the body in therapy work has the potential for ​deeper healing than just traditional talk therapy alone. For example, ​we may notice together any bodily sensations, patterns of tension, ​movements, posture or sensory information that arise for you. ​Overall, I work in a way that holds respect for all of mind, body, and ​spirit, whilst holding safety and compassion in uppermost ​importance.


“Neuroscience research shows that the only way we can ​change the way we feel is by becoming aware of our inner ​experience and learning to befriend what is going inside ​ourselves.

In order to change, people need to become aware of their ​sensations and the way that their bodies interact with the ​world around them. Physical self-awareness is the first step in ​releasing the tyranny of the past.”

Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, ​and Body in the Healing of Trauma.

Collaborative & ​Compassionate

The process of therapy is collaborative and fluid, where we work ​together to explore your current life circumstances, your history and ​your hopes and dreams for your future. Clients have described me as heartfelt and deeply authentic in my ​approach. My role is to listen deeply to what you want to share, to ​encourage you to explore patterns in your life that are causing you ​difficulty, whilst respecting your pace. I help to create a space where ​you can grow a stronger sense of self, so that you can start to feel ​calmer and more centred.


I acknowledge through my work and in my personal life that we live ​in a world where many cultures, races, ethnicities, and beliefs exist. I ​recognise that it is my responsibility to work with a lens on equity, ​which to me means embracing diversity and inclusion in therapy ​and actively reflecting on my own biases. During our work togeth​er, I may also ask about your beliefs, background, ethnicity​ and the values th​at are important to you.

Counselling In Barnstaple, North Devon

My location

I offer sessions in-person in Barnstaple, ​North Devon from a cosy room located ​in the centre of town convenient for car ​parks, bus and train station. It is eaasily accessible from the surrounding areas including South Molton, Lynton, Bideford, Braunton, and Ilfracombe.

Please ​n​ote, in terms of accessibility, there are two ​flights of shallow stairs to the room.

I also ​w​ork online, so I am able to see clients based an​ywhere in the UK, via Zoom and FaceTime​ video calls.

Fees & availability

I charge £35 for an introductory session of 60 minutes. ​Following this my charges are on a sliding scale from £45 ​to £65 per session.

What you pay relates to your income and local market rates – ​this is not worked out by any strict formula, and I do not ask for ​documentation of any kind. By example, I suggest that if you ​have an average income, you might choose to pay between £45 ​and £55 per hour; if you are earning well, you would pay more. I ​am open to discussing and agreeing your fee rate when we meet.

I work weekdays, and have a limited number of evening ​slots. Please contact me to find out whether there is a time ​and day that is convenient for you.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling works, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to counselling, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.

You can also call me on 01598 728680 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.

All enquiries are usually answered within 24 hours during Monday to Friday, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

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